Ugandan A Level Student Been Selling Eggs for 10 Years to Fund His Education

Edmond Akol Adong, the student who sold eggs to fund his education


By Richard Onapatum


In a remarkable tale of perseverance and determination, Edmond Akol Adong, a Form Five student at Soroti Senior Secondary School, has been selling eggs on the streets of Soroti for ten years to fund his education and pursue his dream of becoming a surgeon.


Akol, who hails from Kapelbyong District and resides in KichiJinjaji, Soroti City East, started his entrepreneurial journey inspired by his mother, Abwin Pauline, a produce dealer. Whenever Akol was sent home for school fees, his mother assigned him to sell her tomatoes, onions, and charcoal. This experience ignited his passion for business.


“She used to assign me to sell her tomatoes, onions, and charcoal at her stall. This inspired me to start my own business to pay my fees,” Akol said.


Akol began saving the little he earned from his mother’s stall and eventually bought his first tray of eggs. He continued to save diligently, enabling him to return to school in Senior Two during the second term.

Now a Form Five student, Akol continues to sell eggs every evening after school. “I have sold eggs for ten years to raise school fees. I started with one tray, but nowadays, on a good day, I sell three trays,” he explained.


Selling eggs has not only helped Akol pay his school fees but also taught him responsibility and self-reliance. He uses his earnings to buy books, pens, and other school materials. Despite the challenges of being raised by a single parent, facing losses from rotten or cracked eggs, and dealing with stubborn customers, Akol remains undeterred.


“Me and my mum each pay half of my school fees. I use my profits to buy books, pens, and other school materials,” Akol said.


A devout Christian, Akol attributes his business success to the hand of God and encourages other youths to seek divine guidance in pursuing their dreams. He also appeals to well-wishers for support in furthering his education.


Abraham Odeke, a drug shop dealer from Usuk Cell and one of Akol’s regular customers, praised his customer care and dedication. “I love supporting Akol because he has good customer care,” Odeke said, urging other youths to venture into business.


Akol’s inspiring story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of hard work, determination, and faith in overcoming life’s challenges. His journey from selling eggs on the streets to pursuing his dream of becoming a surgeon is a testament to the power of resilience and self-belief.

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