EU Rejected 704,000 African Nationals After Receiving €56.3 Million In visa applications fee in 2023


Source: Africa Publicity

Hundreds of thousands of African nationals spent a total of €56.3 million on visa applications for European Union (EU) countries in 2023 but painfully had their applications rejected, a new report has revealed.

Latest data from Schengen Visa Statistics revealed that in 2023, African nationals received 704,000 negative responses for their Visa requests.

According to the report, EU visa applications’ rejection rates in 2023 “were especially high for African and Asian countries, who bear 90 percent of all expenses.”

The report cited Algerians as the “main spenders for Schengen visas in 2023.”

According to the report, “Algeria is the country of origin for most rejected applications in 2023, representing 23.5 per cent of all amount spent on rejected applications.”

Algerians, the report added, also have the second-highest number of rejected applications compared to all – 289,000 out of 704,000, representing 42.3 per cent of all requests, adding that “This nationality group is especially impacted by visa rejections because it has high application rates and they are affected economically when placing visa applications.”

A Schengen visa application costs €80 which is equal to almost one-third of the average wage in Algeria (€300), says the report, noting that in 2024 the Visa application fee will increase to €90.

The report further revealed that Moroccans, the top visa applicants from Africa for 2023, have the highest number of visas rejected, saying “A total of 437,000 visa requests filed by this nationality group were rejected in 2023, representing 62 per cent of the total. As per expenses, Moroccans spent €10.9 million on rejected visa applications in 2023.”

It said: “To put into perspective, the amount of Africans rejected visas is 43.1 per cent of all the amount generated by rejected applications in 2023.”

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