Embracing Africapitalism: Path to Sustainable Development and Economic Empowerment

  By: Tony O. Elumelu CFR, Founder, Tony Elumelu Foundation; Chairman, UBA Group Africa stands at crossroads – a continent beaming with potential, innovation, and promise. As we navigate the complexities of the global landscape, it is important that we chart a course towards sustainable development, inclusive growth, and shared prosperity. At the forefront of…

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Tony O. Elumelu Advocates for Africapitalism at Clinton Global Initiative

Tony O. Elumelu speaking during a a thought-provoking panel at the Clinton Global Initiative on Philanthropy Source: UBA Ghana During the sidelines of UNGA78, UBA Group Chairman, Tony O. Elumelu, participated in a thought-provoking panel at the Clinton Global Initiative on Philanthropy. He shared valuable insights alongside co-panelist Dr. Carmen Rojas, President of the Marguerite…

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