Meet Sally Santesson, The Swedish Philanthropist Helping Poor People In Africa (video)



Liselotte Petersson also known as Sally Santesson is a Swedish Philanthropist based in the city of Kiruna, Sweden. She is indeed an epitome of kindness and true generosity and has devoted her life for many years to helping many poor people, especially children and youth in a number of African countries as well as in Nepal, Asia.


From helping to pay medical bills for needy children, to donating learning materials to schools in Liberia and Ghana, and supporting a youth football team in The Gambia, or helping with the renovation of a school block in a poor community in Nepal, Sally has been of great help to the poor for many years and continues to lend a helping hand to vulnerable people. She has been very quiet about her philanthropic initiatives but equally very impactful.


The late reggae singer, Lucky Dube says: “Blessed is the hand that giveth, not the one that taketh”.


Sally very well understands what Lucky Dube means by that. For years, she has been extending helping hand to several children and young people, specifically in countries like Gambia, the Nepal, Ghana and Tanzania.


In November 2018, she visited Ghana (her first ever visit to Sub-Saharan Africa) and went to the Buduburam Refugee Camp located in the Central Region of Ghana to donate several learning materials to poor kids at the Refuge Baptist School.


In the Gambia, Sally has on several occasions, supported a youth football team named Outlaw FC. She has regularly been supplying the team with football, boots, and sportswear


In Tanzania, her philanthropic initiative has focused mainly on assisting the Sports and Environmental Conservation (SECO TZ), a non-governmental organization. She specifically has donated about $2,900 in support of the organization’s initiatives.



Sally has also supported the Royal Academy School in Liberia with learning materials. Furthermore, she sponsored the publication or a book titled: ‘Facts To Remember About Refugees Lives’. The book authored by Don Daddy Kekai Howard chronicled the lives of Liberians at the Buduburam Refugee Camp in Ghana. Sally plans to visit the Liberia – one of the world’s most impoverished nations – in the near future to undertake other humanitarian initiatives.


Outside Africa, she was part of a team of philanthropists who helped to construct a school for a very poor community in the Nepal.


Also, Sally has in the past supported a Phillipino woman who was in dire need of money for medical treatment. Sally assisted her to pay all her medical bills and was giving her financial support for her upkeep for months.


To Sally, helping those in need is a divine task and strongly believes humanity must be there for one another.


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