Gifty Afenyi-Dadzie, 181 new lawyers called to the Bar

The General Legal Council has called to the bar 182 new lawyers including veteran journalist and former president of the Ghana Journalists Association, Gifty Afenyi-Dadzie.

This happened at a special meeting of the council charged with the responsibility of overseeing legal education in Ghana.

Present were members of the council led by the Chief Justice, Justices of the superior courts of judicature, Director of Legal Education at the Ghana School of Law, Deputy Attorney General and Minister of Justice and deans of the various faculties of law.

Chief Justice Gertrude Esaaba Torkornoo while congratulating the students and their families, cautioned the new lawyers that the practice of the law “is not a space for mediocre exhibition of purported superiority of knowledge, but a space of consistent humble, sober, and reflective models of thinking that will allow you to serve those that depend on you with clarity and benefit.”

The head of the Judiciary used the opportunity to admonish the new lawyers to use their knowledge to help build up society.

According to Justice Torkornoo the world is “facing unprecedented challenges that demand the wisdom, resilience, and understanding in how lawyers translate legal norms learnt and how they are applied to the problems.”

To achieve their mandate as lawyers, the Chief Justice further urged the lawyers to approach their work with a sense of duty and responsibility.

source : citi newsroom

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