Revitalising PHCs through PSHAN’s Sustainable Partnership with MTN Foundation

The Private Sector Health Alliance of Nigeria, PSHAN, through its Adopt-A-Healthcare Facility Programme, ADHFP, is championing revitalising upgrading and revamping Primary Healthcare Centres nationwide.
This year, in alignment with MTN’s What Can We Do Together, WCWDT initiative, they are revitalising 52 PHCs. Chiemelie Ezeobi, who witnessed the recent Memorandum of Agreement between PSHAN and the MTN Foundation, reports that the initiative is such a huge boost for healthcare delivery as it’s targeted at those most in need of care

In a bid to address the abysmal state of Primary Healthcare Centres (PHCs) across Nigeria, the Private Sector Health Alliance of Nigeria (PSHAN), a not-for-profit, business-led organisation founded to improve Nigeria’s healthcare system,

has joined forces with MTN Foundation to revitalise 52 primary healthcare centers across the country through the Adopt-A-Healthcare Facility Programme (ADHFP) Initiative.

Import of PHCs

Emphasising the importance of PHCs in addressing Nigeria’s healthcare challenges, Chairman of Aig-Imoukhuede Foundation and Director PSHAN, Mr. Aigboje Aig- Imoukhuede (CON), who noted that there are over 30,000 PHCs in the country, stressed that the sustainability of these PHCs is the key issue, and that the private sector has a crucial role to play in ensuring that they are properly funded and supported.

Memorandum of Agreement

Thus on February 1, 2024, PSHAN and MTN Foundation signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) to revitalise 52 PHCs across Nigeria in a bid to chart the course for accessible healthcare provision for those who are most in need of it- the grassroot. The signing ceremony was to formalise the partnership between the foundation and PSHAN in its common quest for grassroot healthcare.

For stakeholders involved, the historic signing, which was done by the duo of

PSHAN MD, Dr. Tinuola Akinbolagbe and MTN Foundation Executive Director, Mrs. Odunayo Sanyo, was such a significant boost towards advancing healthcare outcomes in Nigeria.

The MoA was witnessed by MTN Foundation Chairman, Prince Julius Adelusi- Adeluyi (OFR); Chairman of Aig-Imoukhuede Foundation and Director PSHAN, Mr. Aigboje Aig- Imoukhuede (CON); Director of MTN Foundation, Mr. Dennis Okoro; as well as representatives from World Health Organisation (WHO) and Lagos State government.

Adopt-A-Healthcare Facility Programme

According to Dr. Akinbolagbe, the Adopt-A-Healthcare Facility Programme (ADHFP) is a vital initiative aimed at revamping and establishing at least one standard Primary Healthcare Center (PHC) in each of the 774 LGAs throughout Nigeria.

Aligned with the MTN, What Can We Do Together (WCWDT) initiative and the Emergency Relief Clean Up (ERCU) Project, ADHFP focuses on upgrading PHCs to address specific healthcare challenges nationwide, ensuring a positive impact at the grassroots level.

She stressed that this partnership would have a profound impact on maternal mortality rates, focusing on delivering healthcare at the crucial primary healthcare center stage, adding that the goal is for the intervention to extend its reach to two hundred more communities by June 2024.

While the MTN Foundation will commit to upgrading and equipping the facilities, PSHAN will ensure the projects’ sustainability and that they deliver a lasting impact on the communities

Process of PHCs Selection

Clarifying the selection process, the PSHAN MD said, “the careful selection of PHCs involved a thorough assessment, considering factors like functionality, staffing adequacy, facility visits, security, accessibility, and structure.

“Among the initial 52 PHCs chosen for immediate revitalisation by the MTN Foundation in collaboration with PSHAN, are locations in Anambra, Bayelsa, Delta, Jigawa, Kogi, and Rivers states. These selections were made based on alignment with outlined criteria to ensure that revitalised facilities meet the program’s mission of supporting those most in need of healthcare services.”

As regards the timeline for the work, she said ADHFP follows a three-staged approach for PHC revitalisation, ensuring effective execution and long-term sustainability.

Beyond that, she posited that the immediate next steps include comprehensive strategy development, project execution, infrastructure revitalisation, recruitment and training, and community awareness.


Harping on the power of collaborations, Dr. Akinbolagbe said in implementing this nationwide programme, PSHAN and MTN Foundation are playing pivotal roles by “showcasing a collaborative approach to healthcare improvement in Nigeria.

“MTN Foundation’s commitment to 52

selected PHCs across Nigeria underscores their commitment to enhancing healthcare infrastructure and services across all geopolitical zones.

Public Sector Engagement

The goal of revitalising the health sector is not a walk in park. With full understanding of this, PSHAN in its quest to ensure the success of ADHFP,  “relies heavily on State Ministries of Health, the National Primary Healthcare Care Development Agency and States’ Primary Healthcare Development Agencies.

“Their insights inform tailored approaches for effective public sector engagement, which are critical for adequate planning, resource mobilisation, capacity building and monitoring C evaluation,” she noted.

She also emphasised that the revitalisation of the healthcare sector should not rely solely on the government.

MTN’S What Can We Do Together” Initiative 

Executive Director, MTN Foundation, Odunayo Sanya, reitertated that MTN Foundation’s What Can We Do Together Project, PSHAN, under the Adopt -A- Healthcare Facility Programme (ADHFP) is revitalising 52 PHCs as a significant step toward enhancing healthcare infrastructure and services in Nigeria.

Posting that the foundation is committed to improving healthcare service in Nigeria, she said they have been  leveraging the ‘What Can We Do Together’ initiative as a vehicle to invest in upgrading PHCs since 2015.

Stressing that the WCWDT initiative is focused on community development and empowerment, she further disclosed that previous intervention projects have positively impacted 180 Primary Health Care centres nationwide.

Given the level of successes achieved in the past, she posited that this partnership would elevate the quality of PHCs, ensuring the provision of affordable and sustainable healthcare to citizens across the country.

Commending MTN Foundation for the laudable role its playing in ensuring accessible and affordable healthcare outcomes for the grassroot, Mr. Aigboje Aig-Imoukhuede, said they have become flag bearers given their commitment to social investment.

About PSHAN 

PSHAN is committed to getting private sector players of the economy to  mobilising resources and capabilities to provide accessible, affordable, and first-rate healthcare solutions to Nigerians.

According to Aigboje Aig- Imoukhuede, the vision was borne having recognised  that the government cannot do it alone. So over the years since its inception, PSHAN has adopted a coordinated, nationwide multi-stakeholder approach to create transformative health outcomes.


Source: Thisdaylive

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