South Africa Ranked World’s Most Dangerous Country to Drive In for Second Consecutive Year


Source: Africa Publicity

A recent report by online driver education platform Zutobi has ranked South Africa as the world’s most dangerous country to drive in, citing alarming road traffic death statistics. This is the second year in a row the country has received this ranking, highlighting pressing concerns regarding road safety and driver behavior.


According to “The World’s Safest Roads” report, South Africa experiences a staggering 24.5 road traffic deaths per 100,000 people, surpassing last year’s figures. Despite having a relatively low motorway speed limit of 120 km/h, similar to Norway, which tops the list as the safest country, South Africa struggles with low seatbelt usage, with only 31% of front-seat passengers buckling up.


Transport Minister Barbara Creecy previously identified alcohol and speeding as primary contributors to road deaths during the launch of the Safer Festive Season campaign in December last year.


Other countries deemed hazardous for driving include Thailand and the United States, while Norway, Iceland, and Japan are ranked the safest.

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