Uganda: PDM Funds Disbursed to Kengere Ward Beneficiaries

Uganda: PDM Funds Disbursed to Kengere Ward Beneficiaries


By Richard Onapatum


In a significant move to support vulnerable communities, the government has launched the disbursement of Parish Development Model (PDM) funds to beneficiaries in Kengere Ward, Soroti City East. The initiative, aimed at improving the lives of all Ugandans, particularly the vulnerable, has brought hope to the beneficiaries.


Assistant Resident City Commissioner Enyalu Julius, who presides over Soroti City East, emphasized the government’s commitment to supporting vulnerable populations. “The PDM is a game-changer, and we urge all beneficiaries to use these funds wisely to transform their households and communities,” he said.


The PDM initiative, a key component of the government’s efforts to uplift vulnerable communities, provides financial support to the elderly, youth, and women. The funds are intended to support income-generating activities, improve livelihoods, and enhance food security.

While some delays have occurred in identifying rightful beneficiaries, the Office of the RCC is working tirelessly to resolve these issues and ensure everyone receives their rightful share. The government has assured citizens that it is doing everything possible to support their lives, with a special focus on the vulnerable.


Beneficiaries have expressed gratitude for the support, citing the positive impact it will have on their lives. “This fund will help me start a small business and support my family,” said one beneficiary.


The PDM fund disbursement is a testament to the government’s commitment to supporting vulnerable communities. As the initiative continues to roll out, citizens are urged to make the most of this opportunity and work towards a brighter future.

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