Uganda: Nakere Rural Women Activists (NARWOA) Launches Climate Justice Project in Kotido District


By Richard Onapatum


 In a bid to address the escalating climate-related challenges in Karamoja region, Nakere Rural Women Activists (NARWOA), a community-based organization, has launched a climate justice project in Kotido district.


The project, funded by the Women’s International Peace Centre, aims to strengthen disaster management committees and build capacity for stakeholders to share timely and accurate information on climate shocks and stresses.


The launch was marked by a community dialogue and awareness activity held in Kotido and Panyangara sub-counties, attended by over 200 community members. The activity sought to engage communities and stakeholders in a participatory process, ensuring their voices, concerns, and priorities were heard and addressed.


The Project Manager Anero Florence emphasized the importance of community involvement and participation in the project’s progress and achievements. The sub-county chiefs and natural resources officer Lokiru Christine expressed gratitude for NARWOA’s support and emphasized the need for mindset change programs to improve the way communities look at life.


The community suggested solutions, including uniform prices for produce, linkages to better markets, and embracing initiatives for planting trees and protecting the environment. Challenges faced during the activity included poor turnout due to conflicting government programs and high expectations from government officials.


With the launch of this climate justice project, NARWOA has paved the way for a community-driven approach to addressing climate change. As the project moves forward, the people of Kotido district are poised to take ownership of their climate future, working together to build resilience and promote sustainable development.


The community encouraged involvement and full participation in the new climate justice project, marking a significant step towards addressing the pressing climate-related challenges in Karamoja region.


In conclusion, the community, sub-counties, and district participants actively participated in the community inception and dialogue meeting, raising key issues and holding government officials accountable for fulfilling their needs.


Recommendations included proactive community involvement, support from sub-counties, and determination to address environmental destruction. NARWOA’s climate justice project promises to bring positive change to Kotido district, and the community is eager to work together to address climate-related challenges.

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